Tag: firewood

What Is The Difference Between Tinder and Kindling?
Outdoors, Other Skills, Survival

What Is The Difference Between Tinder and Kindling?

Tinder and Kindling are both of the two elements needed in order to start a fire. (Fuel, in general, is one of the three components of the fire triangle). But what exactly are these three fuels for a campfire, how much should we use, and what do they do? And most importantly, what is the difference between tinder and kindling? Learning the Difference Between Tinder, Kindling, and Fuel Learning the difference between tinder and kindling, as well as the types of firewood to use is one of four steps You Need To Take Before Starting a Fire. Tinder Tinder is the first step in starting a fire (more info on starting a fire here). Any small, dry, and natural material is considered to be tinder. It is the quickest and easiest to set on fire, and should be the first one you light. ...